Making Life Beautiful
There’s a quote I love that says, “I am going to make everything around me beautiful - that will be my life." -Elise de Wolfe.
When I was little, I had a lot of ideas about what and who I wanted to become, but there was always one constant. I just wanted a beautiful life. Beautiful people and beautiful things. A beautiful home and beautiful children.
While my idea of what actually makes things and people beautiful has changed with age, I’d love to tell the younger me (or maybe you) that the beauty of all these things mostly come from the inside and that outward beauty is merely a bonus. People are the obvious example of that.
I truly believe that God made each of us perfect. Perfectly set apart. Uniquely and wonderfully made. When I think of my most beautiful friends, it’s their soul I love. The most beautiful items in my home, the story they tell. The moment you choose all things with heart and intention is the moment your life becomes more beautiful.
As much as I LOVE to make everything beautiful, don’t get me wrong- that is truly what I love, my hope is that after we’ve met or I’ve left a place, the beauty I leave behind, in Texas or Minnesota, or in a random coffee shop, or maybe that house I used to live in, the family I just photographed, the men I’ve raised leave more of a beautiful feeling then just a beautiful view.